
Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Social Network offers SHARES to members

So there is a new Social Network currently developing that is very exciting. Currently they are giving new members 1 share per day, at least until Dec. 30 2013. Each share will increase or decrease in value according to the site use. And the more people who join from you will also give you more shares.

Here is a quick screenshot of my current weekly report (though it doesn't include my most recent shares, it will give you an idea)

As you can see, even a few days can be very worth it. So I encourage folks to join up and get involved. Let's make this new Social Network something amazing and beneficial to us all. I mean don't you wish you'd been an original shareholder for facebook?

CLICK HERE to join in the activity. It's totally free, social and FUN!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Need Your Help to Test

Ok these programs are FREE to join. They have very different pay schedules and payment minimums. I tend to believe the one that has the lower pay scale but I'm really interested in trying out both to see how it goes.

To help me you do NOT have to join if you don't wish to, or you can and test it with me. They are both free. They don't ask for any personal information other than email that I can see until you reach payout so it's risk free.

All I really need you to do is click both the links I'm going to include here and let the page load. You can read, explore, investigate, join, or whatever you wish beyond that. I will update this article once I get my results.

Click here first please

Click here second please - link removed. update as to why below.

I will name both programs and post the results in a separate post as soon as they are available. Thanks for the help.


So I belong to a great group on facebook where we share info on programs. A new friend saw my post about jobrabbit.com and was kind enough to point out that it looked a lot like jobcow, which in fact was a scam. She also pointed me to the site http://www.scamvoid.com which is pretty awesome. Anyway, I did a search on jobcow and found some interesting youtube videos on it. It was exactly like jobrabbit. So I have decided it is not worth trusting jobrabbit. I think the old adage is true, "If it looks to good to be true, it probably is."

Conversely I got it confirmed by a couple people and by scamvoid.com that the first link I still have active IS in fact a reliable site and good to it's word. I should reach enough for payout in a few days and will update again but please click that link so I can reach it quickly. Thanks.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Just Joined Today

So as you might realize I am on a quest to find the best way to make money online. One thing I have always heard much about and never had any luck myself with is Paid Survey sites. It seems I never qualify for the paid survey. They can spend 20 minutes "getting to know me" and then say "sorry". So I seldom join them.

However today I was directed toward one that intrigued me. So I went and signed up. It's called PaidViewPoint. I am impressed with the look and feel of the site and I like that they paid me a few cents for every question they asked in the "getting to know me" phase.

I also like that it appears the minimum payout amount on this one is only $15. Most sites lately are asking you to gain upwards of $100 before you can request a payment. ACK! I don't want to! If I need it at 20 or 30 or 40 dollars I want access to it. So PaidViewPoint has really got my attention.

Now, keep in mind I just signed up today but all the research I did on this company comes back with great reviews. So I'm fairly excited. It is FREE to join and participate, which a survey site should be. So I'll be checking into it every day just like with some of my other ventures to work towards that payout. I will be requesting it at the minimum and will update this blog when I get it.

If you would like to join me in this venture just CLICK HERE.

The One I Thought Would Fail

I am in shock and awe. I really didn't think this program would do anything and I am ALWAYS hesitant to PAY money to get into any program. However, my initial referral to this program came from a trusted friend AND I knew the $1.75 was going strait to her. Plus, I mean, it was only $1.75. Even for me that is pocket change. It's less than I spend on Bingo. It might have meant I had to drink one less soda that week. Big deal.

So even though I really REALLY thought this program was not for me and I didn't have a complete understanding of it, I signed up, sent her the $1.75, confirmed it on the site and bang I was up and running.

Now, I know that you cannot get into ANY program and expect to make ANY money if you don't at least try. So I did what any good network marketer does and I sent my link out into cyberspace. I don't have a lot of places I am comfortable posting programs that I have yet to test but I thought I'd stick it out there in a few spots. I put it on Twitter, Google+, and Tumblr. Within a week I had my money back and then some. I was in SHOCK!

Still I wasn't really certain about it. So I waited before upgrading to the second level (regretting that move for sure). Again I put the link out there and again I got more people joining which meant more income.

I looked over the list of my referrals and their referrals. Many had already upgraded to higher levels. (here's why I regret not upgrading sooner) Because I had not yet upgraded my friend who referred me got paid instead of me. So of course I upgraded and am doing so again very soon. My downline is growing on a daily basis and I'm so excited and thrilled. This is really a program that IS paying me, that IS working, and people ARE joining.

So if you ask me FeederMatrix IS one of the most amazing programs running at this time. I have other programs I'm a part of and I'm quite enjoying, but nothing so well proven yet as this one.

I'll be writing blogs on other programs as I see them working and paying out. I chose to write about this one first because I HAVE received a return on my money. I AM impressed with the results. And believe me that is saying something because I have always been very skeptical about things such as this. I also wrote about this one first because I feel if you are willing to part with a little pocket change and give it a try, you will see that it DOES work and hopefully you will keep an eye on the other things I write about too.

If you want to give it a shot with me feel free to CLICK HERE and join up.

oh yes, just in case this is important to you, when you join you get access to downloadable digital programs and marketing videos with reseller rights.